
Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia– Red Cross of the City of Skopje JOB VACANCY

The following employment engagement is within the project: ” Supporting INclusive development of community-based long-term CARE services through multi-stakeholder participatory...>>

Open call for consultant/ legal entity for preparation of a training package/manual for realization of two cycles of trainings for Psychosocial support and Mental Health.

For more information follow this link.  Interested entities will need to apply to the Procurement Commission of the...>>


  Based on the verification of the special program for Home Helpers for assistance and care of the...>>

Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia– Red Cross of the City of Skopje JOB VACANCY

The following employment engagement is within the project: ” Supporting INclusive development of community-based long-term CARE services through...>>

Red Cross of Republic of North Macedonia – Red Cross of the City of Skopje JOB VACANCY

The engagement is within the project: “Integrated care and support service business development in the RCNM”, supported by...>>

Call for proposals for monitoring devices

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia within the project: ““Supporting Inclusive Development of Community-based long-term...>>

Call for receiving offers

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia within the project: ““Supporting Inclusive Development of Community-based long-term...>>

Call for receiving offers

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia within the project: “Integrated care and support service business...>>


Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia within the project: “Integrated care and support service business development...>>


Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia within the project “Supporting Inclusive Development of Community-based long-term CARE...>>

Call for Purchasing an Emergency Button Monitoring Software

The Red cross of the Republic of North Macedonia through the Project action ‘Supporting INclusive development of community-based...>>

Call for hiring a technical expert – legal entity for the Emergency button service at the Red Cross of the Republic of NorthMacedonia

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia announces a call for hiring an expert – legal...>>

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