Main News

Signed regional cooperation agreement with the Red Cross national societies from Albania and Kosovo

On 07/05/2023, the Secretary General of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, PhD. Sait Saiti,...>>

Workshop on protecting the integrity of the Red Cross of RNM

In the period July 3-5, 2023, a workshop was held at Hotel Solferino Struga on the topic of...>>

U trajnuan facilitatorë të VKOOK dhe u zbatua vlerësimi në 3 organizata komunale të Kryqit të Kuq

Në periudhën 21-26.06.2023 në Hotel Solferino Strugë është mbajtur trajnimi i moderatorëve për realizimin e Vlerësimit të kapaciteteve...>>

Happy Eid al-Adha!

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia would like to wish happy Eid al-Adha to all...>>

Rapid Assessment for Markets Workshop

Training for Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM training) was held in the period from June 19-23, 2023, in...>>

Cooperation between the Military Medical Center and the Center for Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support

Within the cooperation of the Center for Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support of the Red Cross of RNM...>>

Promotion of the achieved results from the campaign

The Red Cross of RNM organized an event on June 19, 2023 in the Mother Teresa Memorial House...>>

Training for caregivers for assistance and care for older people and persons with disabilities on risks of domestic violence and gender-based violence

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia organized a workshop for the training of caregivers for...>>

June 14, World Blood Donor Day

The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated around the world on June 14 every year. On this day...>>

Strengthening cross-border preparedness through joint management of stock reserves for emergency situations in South-Eastern Europe

A final conference was held within the framework of the project: Strengthening cross-border preparedness through joint management of...>>

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