Main News

Education of caregivers for assistance and care of older persons and persons with disabilities at risk of domestic violence and gender-based violence

Within the Project “Mitigating the effects and consequences of COVID-19 on the most vulnerable in society with a...>>

ANNOUNCEMENT for the allocation of the raised humanitarian funds to assist the population affected by the disastrous earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.

The Red Cross expresses most sincere gratitude to all citizens and legal entities for their support for the...>>


The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, represented by the Secretary General PhD. Sait Saiti and...>>

The new Day Care Center for the older people with active aging has been opened

On August 28, 2023, the new Day Care Center for the older people with active aging was opened...>>

Assistance for the affected population from the disastrous floods in Slovenia

The disastrous floods caused by the strong storm, which hit Slovenia in the past days, unfortunately caused great...>>

Visit to the Croatian Red Cross in frames of the preparations for the exercise “Humanitarian Response 2023”

In the period 26-27.07.2023, the Secretary General of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, PhD....>>

“100% Red Cross” – Summer camp for training young volunteers

The 14th summer youth camp 100% Red Cross was held in Struga in the period of July 20-26,...>>

60 years since the disastrous earthquake in Skopje

On July 26, 1963, at 5:17 a.m., a disastrous earthquake struck Skopje, with smaller aftershocks which lasted until...>>

Study visit of the EB team in the Red Cross Graz, Austria

Within the project ,,  Supporting INclusive development of community-based long-term CARE services through multi-stakeholder participatory approaches / InCARE’’,...>>

Participation in training for trainers for “Branch organizational capacities assessment

In the period 11-14.07.2023, at the hotel “NH Budapest City” in Budapest, a training of “Branch organizational capacities...>>

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