Main News

Solemnly awarding certificates to tutors of the elderly and disabled people

On 04.07.2018 in the premise of Porta Macedonia, the Red Cross of the City of Skopje solemnly awarded...>>

Workshop for education of new motivators for voluntary blood donation

The workshop was held in the period from June 29th to July 1st, 2018, in the training center...>>

Training for first aid for staff in educational institutions

Project “Risk reduction activities in kindergartens and elementary schools in Gevgelija, Kumanovo and Skopje” supported by UNICEF  ...>>

Help provided from the Vitalia company

The company Vitalia has donated 4 tons of their products to the Macedonian Red Cross for humanitarian purposes...>>

Participation in training on the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid System

In the period from 17-22 June, a representative of the Macedonian Red Cross took part in the training...>>


Organized by the Directorate for Protection and Rescue, in the period from 22-23 June 2018, the training on...>>

International Refugee Day

Unlike the tense situations in 2015 and 2016 at border crossings and in the transit centers, this year’s...>>

Training for new saviors

Another successful training was realized from the Water safety Center – City Red Cross of Skopje. The City...>>

Orientation training

In the period from 11-13.06.2018 at hotel Solferino in Struga, an orientation training of 35 representatives of the...>>

Happy Eid

The Macedonian Red Cross wishes to all religious believers of the Islamic faith the great religious holiday of...>>

14th of June – World Blood Donor Day

On June 14, World Blood Donor Day is traditionally celebrated across the world. The events that are organized...>>

Macedonian Red Cross – Skopje publicly announces

Purchaser: Macedonian Red Cross, with headquarters in Bul. Koco Racin no. 13, Skopje, tel.02 3114 – 355  ...>>


In the period from 05-07.06 2018 in Ohrid, the Regional Summer School for Security 2018 took place, on...>>

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