Main News

Bilateral meeting

А bilateral meeting was held between the Secretary General of the Red Cross PhD. Sait Saiti and Deputy...>>

Training on “Strengthening the capacities of the national society in first aid programs”

In the period from 17-21.10.2021 the Red Cross of RNM conducted a workshop on “Strengthening the capacity of...>>

Campaign on the occasion of the Week for fight against Hunger

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia this years as well is involved in the global...>>

European Anti-trafficking Day (18 October)

Trafficking in human beings is a serious social problem and is the most serious form of violation of...>>

Coordination meeting was the Red Cross branch secretaries

On October 14, 2021, the Secretary General of the Red Cross of RNM had a coordination meeting with...>>

Marking the Week of fight against Diabetes

The Red Cross of the Republic of Northern Macedonia traditionally marks the Week of Fight against Diabetes in...>>

Participation on Training of trainers for Health in Emergencies

From 5 to 7 October 2021 in Budapest, Hungary, the Regional Office for Europe of the International Federation...>>

Training for psychological first aid and psycho-social support

In the period from 03 to 06 October 2021, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia...>>

International Day of the Older Persons

On the occasion of October 1 –International Day of Older Persons, the Red Cross of the Republic of...>>

Visit of Harald Fugger – Attaché at the Austrian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in the Red Cross of the RНM

On 24.09.2021 the Secretary General of the Red Cross of RNM Mr. Sait Saiti met with Mr. Harald...>>

National online first aid quiz

On September 20, 2021 the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia organized the first National Online...>>

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