26 Qershor, 2024

PHV program in Kosovo

From June 21 to 22, 2024, a workshop was organized in Pristina, Kosovo, for evaluation of the Promotion of Human Values ​​(PHV) small projects in Kosovo, which were implemented by 8 schools in the past two months.

25 small projects were reviewed and evaluated, 13 of which received a “sun” rating. Each “sun” rated project was presented and voted in plenary and approved by each instructor.

One of the goals was to agree on the organization of the PHV Cup in Kosovo, to prepare letters of recommendation for each school, to prepare certificates of appreciation for greater motivation of the students, to select the team that will carry out the training next year, as well as to prepare the PHV Week.

The program in 2024 with the help of the Red Cross team of RNM started the implementation of the program in Red Cross Kosovo.

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